8 Simple Weight Loss Tips Guaranteed to Work

1. Start Small

Don’t try to lose 20 pounds in the first few days of starting a healthy lifestyle. That just isn’t realistic. Set smaller goals for yourself.

Have that one big goal (let’s say 20 pounds), but set smaller goals that you need achieve to get to your main goal.

When you set small goals, things will seem much easier for you. Once you start seeing that you can achieve your smaller goals, you’ll get a mental boost that will keep you motivated to achieve your bigger goals. You won’t need anybody else to try and motivate you to do your best.

Having smaller goals will allow you to see each step you need to take to reach your big goal. It makes you realize that going from point A to point B has a lot of steps in between, it’s not just a big leap and you’re at your goal.

2. Don’t Skip Meals

know this may sound weird at first because it makes sense that if you don’t eat as much, you will be able to lose weight. For the people that think this, they are significantly setting themselves back.

Don’t skip any meals. Even if you are in a rush going somewhere, you need to make sure you eat something. One missed meal can set you back quite a bit when you are trying to lose weight.

You are more likely to keep fat on your body when you skip a meal. Again, it sounds weird but that’s how it really is.

The only way you may be able to get away with skipping a meal and getting not holding onto the fat is if you are on target=”_blank”>a ketogenic diet. This type of diet is going to turn your body into one that burns fat first, instead of sugar. Your body will look to burn fat at all times of the day, so skipping a meal MAY not hurt you as much.

When you don’t skip a meal, you are ensuring that your body stays awake. Breakfast, for example, wakes your metabolism up and gets everything else going. The sooner you can get your system going, the easier it will be to lose weight and keep it off.

Skipping meals also leads to more cravings throughout the day. You are more likely to snack a lot more as well. These are factors that are going to cause you to gain weight no matter what kind of diet you’re on.


 3. Visualize

Many people don’t understand the power of visualization. You have to be strong mentally to keep visualizing the same thing over and over again.

You need to see the future you. See the pounds you want to lose just falling off your body.

When you can see how you are going to look after dieting and working out after a few weeks, you are going to achieve that, as long as you take all the necessary steps to get that body.

Even during days where you don’t feel like doing anything, you need to see yourself in a different way. Use that as motivation.

The key to visualization is doing it every day. You can’t just do it once and expect that image to stay in your head. Visualizing what you’re going to look like on a daily basis will make everything easier and you’ll be more proud of yourself when you actually achieve that body.

4. Popsicles…YUM!

Yes, popsicles. They aren’t made just for children.

Popsicles are great for anybody that wants a quick snack that is low in calories and can help curb any cravings you may be having.

You can make your own fruit popsicles if you don’t feel like having just a regular popsicle. They are fairly easy to make. Just cut up any fruit of your choosing, add it to an ice tray, fill in the empty space with water, place popsicle sticks in the tray, put the tray in the freezer, wait a couple hour and you have your own fruit popsicles.

Depending on your diet, popsicles may go against it because a lot of them are filled with sugar. Just keep an eye out for what kind of popsicle you are eating and you’ll be okay.

5. Exercise

This should be a no-brainer to hear. You need to exercise if you want to lose weight. There are ways to lose weight with dieting, but exercise is going to help you drop weight much faster.

You don’t have to workout for hours to lose weight. Being active for 30 minutes can get the job. Yes, working out longer is going to help you lose more weight, but you’ll be good with just 30 minutes if you are just starting out.

Even if you can’t squeeze in 30 minutes, doing something every day is much better than doing nothing on some days. Try to break a sweat, increase your heart rate, force your lungs to work a little harder. The more you can make your body work, the more weight you can expect to be dropping.

6. Sit Right

Who knew that the way you’re sitting could stop you from losing certain weight. I bet you never knew that slouching could come back to hurt you.

Having proper posture, standing or sitting, is going to work wonders for your body. The effects may not seem significant, but tiny adjustments in your posture will force your body to do work even though you might feel like you aren’t doing anything.

Just sitting up straight in a chair can increase blood circulation to your core and force your abs to do more work. This is a simple way that you can drop weight. Even though it may not be a significant amount of weight, a little is always something positive to look to.

7. Kill the Cravings

There may be times when you have a food craving out of nowhere. If you have a sweet tooth, it’s safe to assume that you usually have a craving for some kind of sweet after meals. This is a good way of staying at the weight you’re currently at.

You need to do what you can to kill the cravings before they even start. The best way to do this is to make sure you are hydrated. Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day. Water may be the best craving suppressor there is.

8. Lay Flat in Bed

When you lay flat in bed, you aren’t doing much work, but you are allowing your body to be in a natural position that’ll allow it be as relaxed as possible.

Laying flat will allow your body to elongate. Gravity actually stretches your body when you are laying flat.

From this kind of position, you can do a lot of different things to help with your weight loss journey. One of the simplest things to do is bring your knees to your chest. This is basically a reverse crunch which is a great exercise for those of you that have trouble with weight in your lower abdomen.

The 10 Best Weight Loss Foods of All Time


Almonds are a great source of mono- and polyunsaturated fats, which can help lower your cholesterol and keep you slim. They also contain fewer calories than most other varieties of nuts (just 163 calories for 23), as well as plenty of fiber and vitamin E. According to a study in the International Journal of Obesity, people who added a daily serving of almonds to a low-calorie diet lost more weight than those who followed the same diet but ate a carb-heavy snack such as crackers instead.

To reap the benefits, Sass recommends using almonds to crust a lean protein such as salmon or sprinkling them onto salads and cooked veggies. "You can also whip them into smoothies or use nut butter as the base for a savory sauce seasoned with garlic and ginger," she says.


Apples contain pectin, an ingredient that naturally slows digestion and encourages feelings of fullness. Studies show that eating a whole apple with your meal (as opposed to apple juice or applesauce) is a natural appetite suppressant, helping you consume fewer overall calories without feeling deprived. Sass likes using shredded apple in slaws and stir-fry, or mixing them into burger patties to add moisture.

Apples are also a good source of antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber. Just be sure not to skip the skin, which contains much of the fruit's nutritional benefits.


Artichokes are incredibly filling—in fact, they are one of the highest-fiber vegetables, says Sass. A single boiled artichoke contains a whopping 10.3 grams of fiber—almost half the recommended daily amount for women. To curb your appetite before a meal, Sass suggests enjoying the veggie as a pre-dinner appetizer: try them in a refreshing salad with edamame and asparagus, or make homemade salsa with artichoke hearts, tomatoes, olives, and red onions.


Although they're best known for containing potassium, bananas are also a great source of resistant starch, a type of starch that's important for weight loss. Your body digests resistant starch slowly—helping you feel full for longer—while simultaneously encouraging your liver to switch to fat-burning mode. And no need to wait for them to become completely ripe; bananas actually contain more of this calorie-torching ingredient when they're still a little green.

Even more reasons to add a bunch to your shopping cart: Bananas can help regulate blood pressure, ease digestive problems, replenish nutrients after a workout, and may even help prevent strokes in older women.



One cup of antioxidant-rich blueberries contains just 80 calories and 4 grams of fiber, which helps your body feel full for longer. They're also a good source of manganese, which can speed up metabolism and make you feel energized.

More reasons to love them: blueberries contain a compound that attacks cancer-causing free radicals, and research suggests they may also help ward off UTIs, keep skin bright, and reduce age-related memory loss.


A great source of calcium and important cancer-fighting compounds, broccoli also has loads of filling fiber and will set you back only 30 calories per serving. If eating this cruciferous veggie makes you bloat, try steaming it first, which makes it easier to digest while still preserving the cancer-fighting ingredients that could be lost when you boil or cook it in the microwave.

Brown rice

This healthy grain is a great source of phytonutrients, which have been linked to decreased risks of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Brown rice is also packed with fiber, contains 1.7 grams of fat-burning resistant starch, and is a low-energy-density food (in other words, it's filling but still low in calories).

Feeling adventurous? Try adding black rice to your shopping cart instead of brown. It contains even more antioxidants than blueberries and significantly more vitamin E than brown rice.


Cabbage is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C but extremely low in calories (just 22 per cup), so you can fill your plate with the leafy green guilt-free. And while you're probably familiar with the infamous Cabbage Soup Diet, there are plenty of alternate ways to eat this veggie that won't leave you feeling hungry. It's delicious in a variety of slaws or salads, and makes a crunchy garnish atop tacos or burgers.


Because carrots have high water and fiber content, they can increase feelings of fullness as you eat. To boost their calorie-burning potential, try roasting them: in a University of Arkansas study, roasted carrots contained three times as many antioxidants as raw ones.
Also good: The beta-carotene in carrots can help maintain a strong immune system and good eyesight.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is having a moment right now: it can be used as a butter or olive oil substitute in everything from baked goods to salad dressing, and can even be used as an alternative to milk in lattes (yes, really). Sass is a fan of the heart-healthy oil whipped into smoothies, and you can also use it to sauté veggies, sear fish, or as an olive oil replacement in soups and stews. (It's also a must-add to your beauty routine, and makes a wonderful natural moisturizer for skin and hair.)

Luckily, trendy coconut oil is also good for your waistline. Because it's a satisfying source of healthy fats, coconut oil fills you up quickly and helps you consume fewer overall calories. It also contains medium-chain triglycerides, which are easily digestible and quickly converted into energy.

11 Health Benefits & Uses of Isabgol (Psyllium Seed Husk)

11 Health Benefits & Uses of Isabgol (Psyllium Seed Husk)

You probably have not heard the name of Isabgol or Psyllium Seed Husk, same as you one of my friend has never seen Isabgol or psyllium seed husk. He asked me benefits, uses and side effects of Isabgol. Therefore, I decided to bring everything in one article to present it here to share with you.Its name sounds odd, “Isabgol”. Don’t you agree with me? But their advantages will make you like it, I’ll introduce to all benefits that I have found during my research :). So, Sit back and keep reading a little introduction of Isabgol before we touch health features, uses or side effects.

let’s know a little introduction about Isabgol or Psyllium seed husk before going to their health benefits, uses or side effects.

What is Isabgol?

Health Benefits & Uses of Isabgol (Psyllium Seed Husk)
According to Wikipedia, Isabgol is portion of the seeds of the plant Plantago ovata, (genus Plantago). They are hygroscopic, which make it possible for them to grow and develop into mucilaginous. It belongs to Plantaginaceae family.
In simple word, Isabgol is the seed of the plant known as Plantago ovata. Its leaves have a similar appearance as the leaves of Aloe vera. Isabgol is cultivated in India and Pakistan.
The psyllium seeds come from the big flower of the plant and the structure is very much the same as wheat. It has various beneficial effects including mild laxative, diuretic qualities, and cooling.

Common Name of Isabgol

  • Psyllium seed husks 
  • Ispaghula 
  • Isabgol 
  • Psyllium 
  • Ashwakarna 
  • Indian Plantago, Spogel, Sand Plantain 
  • Flea Seed 
  • Plantaginis Ovatae Se-men (Se-men Plantaginis Ovatae) 
  • Se-men Ispaghulae 

Other Names of Isabgol

  • Sanskrit Name : Ashvagola, Ashwakarna 
  • English Name : Ispaghula, Blond psyllium, Spogel seeds 
  • Hindi Name : Isabghul, Snigdhajirakah, Nigdhabijah 
  • Kannada Name : Issagolu 
  • Oriya Name : Isapgol 
  • Telugu Name : Isapagola 
  • Tamil Name : Ishappukol,Iskol 
  • Gujrati Name : Isafaghol 
  • Marathi Name : Isabgol 
  • Malayalam Name : Karkalasaringi 

Botanical/Scientific Name of Isabgol

The Botanical or scientific name of Isabgol is Plantago Psyllium, Plantago Ovata, Plantago Ispaghula, and Plantago Ovata Husk.

After introduction and common names, Let’s move to health benefits of isabgol.

1) Isabgol Relieves Constipation

Isabgol has the decent amount of soluble and insoluble fiber, that helps to make it a good cure for constipation.
Isabgol has hygroscopic properties that help it to absorb water from the digestive tract and enhancing consistency of stools.

How To Take Isabgol To Getting Relief From Constipation

Mix two spoons of isabgol in a glass of warm milk and consume it before you go to bed.

2) Natural Remedy For Diarrhea

After seeing benefits for constipation, I wasn’t expecting that Isabgol will have some properties to relieve diarrhea too.
It is a home remedy that helps in both constipation and diarrhea. Curd provides stomach the proper quantity of probiotics that helps to heal the infection and Isabgol helps hardens the stools to deal with diarrhea.

How To Use Isabgol To Get Relief From Diarrhea

Add 2 tsp isabgol and 3 tsp curd together.
Consume the combination of curd and isabgol just after a meal.
You need to take it twice in a day to get good results.

3) Improves Digestion

Previously mentioned, Isabgol is rich in fiber that assists in the digestion of meals you eat.
It stimulates cleaning of the stomach contents by cleaning stomach wall from excessive toxins, along with that it helps the stomach in the movement of food through the intestine.

How To Take Psyllium Seed Husk to Improve Digestion

Drinking a glass of isabgol water can improve your digestion.

Take Isabgol with buttermilk soon after the meal on a regular basis.

Be sure that you consume it the moment you add the isabgol because the seed husk appears to swell and harden.

4) Isabgol Cleanse Colon

Already mentioned above, isabgol has hygroscopic properties, which makes it good colon cleanser.
As per Ayurveda, It moves by way of the colon and take up the dangerous toxic, named as AMA in Ayurveda (poisonous waste products that usually coating the stomach walls).

It assists in sustaining different digestive conditions out of the picture. That’s the reason that isabgol is a helpful approach to cleansing your colon.

How To Take Isabgol for Cleansing Colon

Consume Isabgol with warm water or juice that you like before night for 3 days to 4 days in a month.

5) Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals with Isabgol

After seeing its benefits for cleansing colon improves digestion and relieves in constipation, It has another benefit that helps you to achieve your weight loss goals. Isabgol gives you the sensation of fullness for long time and controls cravings.

How To Take Isabgol For Weight Loss

Take warm water, lemon juice and isabgol
Mix them well
Drink it on empty stomach before your meal in the morning
Anytime you feel about eating, consume isabgol with water that will make free of food craving and it will avoid unwanted intake of more calories.

6) Relieves from Acidity

Burning discomfort is the sign of acidity that most people experience. In case you are suffering from acidity then Isabgol is one of the finest natural treatment that can deal with burning sensation of acidity.

the Psyllium husk covers the stomach by coating with a defensive layer and safeguards it from the burning annoyance caused by acidity. It assists in good digestion and minimize the abnormal release of digestive acid and cuts down the impact of acid in the stomach.

7) Helps In Curing Piles And Fissures

Already mentioned above, Isabgol is rich in insoluble and soluble fiber and laxative properties of isabgol help in the natural bowel movement.

Isabgol is good for sufferers of painful issues such as a-n-a-l fissures and piles. It helps in cure bowels in a case of pile and fissures. It functions like a natural stool softener, the hygroscopic properties of Isabgol helps absorb water from the surrounding parts of the intestine, doing the passage of stool soft and pain-free.

On top of that, resulting from its natural aspect to support in uncomplicated defecation, psyllium seed husk aids the healing of fissures, while it guards the a-n-u-s against stretching excessive when the person passes the motion and avoids the rupture of treating wounds.

How To Take Psyllium Seed Husk For Piles and Fissures

Consume Isabgol with warm water at night before you go to your bed. It will improve your conditions.

8) Reduces Heart Conditions

Studies indicate a diet that is rich in water-soluble fiber has linked with lower triglyceride levels, and also a reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, A diet rich in fiber foods including psyllium-enriched cereals to your diet routine can possibly support reduce the risk of heart conditions.

Several studies have pointed out that fiber such as psyllium, included in a healthy diet, can assist reduce a person’s possibility of heart disease. Psyllium can have an effect on your heart by reducing blood pressure, enhancing lipid levels, and strengthening heart muscle.

9) High Cholesterol

The hygroscopic properties of isabgol make it ideal for the heart, it absorbs the cholesterol. It forms a thin layer around intestinal walls and avoid the absorption of cholesterol from the food and efficiently lowers the amount of serum cholesterol in the blood. This is the reason why health experts recommend isabgol.
According to University of Maryland Medical Center, Soluble fiber that includes psyllium husk, guar gum flax seed, and oat bran, can help reduce cholesterol if added to a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet.
Studies indicate psyllium can lower total, and also bad cholesterol levels (LDL), which could possibly assist to lower the heart disease risk. In Pairing with cholesterol-lowering drugs, which includes statins, psyllium gives an added advantage to lowering cholesterol levels.
Another study shows that psyllium is a helpful method for people to reduce their cholesterol, with only a few side effects.

10) High Blood Pressure

Isabgol includes both soluble and insoluble fiber. Adding fiber to your diet (psyllium) could possibly assist reduce blood pressure.
University of Maryland Medical Center suggests that in a study, Six months of supplementation with psyllium fiber drastically lowered the systolic and diastolic blood pressure in overweight people with high blood pressure. However, Studies are not fully definite.

11) Diabetes

Isabgol has a natural substance gelatin that helps in slowing down the process of breakdown andabsorption of glucose into the body. Therefore, It helps control diabetes.

Studies indicate that diet rich in fiber could possibly reduce insulin and blood sugar levels and improve cholesterol levels in sufferers of diabetes. Additionally, For those who are at risk of diabetes, it can possibly reduce the possibility of developing diabetes.

How To Take Isabgol To Deal With Diabetes

Take this soon after meal coupled with water.

Always talk to your doctor first, it’s best to seek the advice of your doctor.Side Effects of Isabgol

Food gives energy, you eat it and if you don’t eat in limit the result will make you fat. Just like that consuming amount more than needed can trigger side effects, take it as you needed. At all the time take it after soaking seeds in water or else, it could possibly cause

Sometimes, stomach cramping may arise, During this case stop using psyllium husks and seek the advice of your health care professional.

In case you face any allergic reactions (which are unusual), Consult to your doctor soon before taking time.
Consult our doctor before taking it in case you have medical records of appendicitis, stomach blockage and etc.

As you can see many Benefits & Uses of Isabgol and the Side Effect of Psyllium Seed Husk.

Let us know what you think about Isabgol or Psyllium Seed Husk through comment.

How to Lose Weight Fast: 3 Simple Steps

How to Lose Weight Fast: 3 Simple Steps, Based on Science


There are many ways to lose a lot of weight fast.

However, most of them will make you hungry and unsatisfied.

If you don't have iron willpower, then hunger will cause you to give up on these plans quickly.

Health Benefits of Black cardamom

Black cardamom is very useful spices in kitchen. Black cardamom is healthy enough as compared to green cardamom. The only difference is simply that it is less tasty. Large cardamom is used as a vegetable and spice. Large cardamom is known as black cardamom, brown cardamom, red cardamom, Bengal cardamom or Nepalese cardamom.

Health Benefits of Black cardamom

Cancer Survival: It has anti-cancer properties that are effective in preventing various cancers. It has the ability to investigate the growth of cancer cells in the body. It also enhances the level of antioxidant glutathione.

Beneficial to Teeth: Black cardamom is very beneficial for several teeth problems such as infection of teeth and gums. It is also helpful to get rid from bad smell from the mouth.

Hair Problems: Hair problems can be cured by large cardamom. It increases the hair long and dense.

Protection from Infection: It has been found that cardamom can destroy 14 types of bacteria. It not only strengthens the immunity system but also prevents the body from bacterial and viral infection.

Maintain Fairness: Cardamom not only prevents the aging but also shines the skin color.

Treatment of Skin Allergies: Black cardamom has antibacterial properties therefore; it is used in skin allergies as natural medicine.

Prevents form Heat/Lu: Cardamom saves from heat stroke in hot weather.

12 Health Benefits Of Herbs

12 Health Benefits Of Herbs

Forest dwellers have traditional herbal knowledge for centuries. Over the past decade, modern medical world has started to take seriously. In fact, the conventional wisdom of modern science and the World Health Organization considers 80% people from developing countries rely on conventional wisdom for their primary treatment. Let us know today, some of the major medicinal plants and their properties and use of traditional tribal herbal formulations knowledge about overcoming several diseases.

Evergreen : Keep 2 flowers in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes and drink it when it cold. It is useful in diabetes.

Malabar nut tree: You can get relief in cold and cough by taking 5 ml juice of its leaves. It also helps women in their menstrual cycle.

Black Tulsi or Shyama Tulsi: Take 5-10 leaves and crushed them. Insert its juice into ear and you will get relief in ear pain.

Basil: You can get benefit in indigestion and acidity by chewing basil seeds 2-3 times a day.

Anacyclus Pyrethrum: Keep buds of flowers on the teeth and gum and chew it. You will get immediate relief in pain.

Mint: Crushed mint leaves and mixed with a pinch of camphor and mustard oil. Massage on your back pain and you will get rid from this problem.

Gauti tea, Lemon grass, green tea: Boil leaves in water and take twice a day. It is beneficial in asthma and bronchitis.

Hadjodd: Crushed the plant and apply it on broken bone then it is believed that it repairs the bones.

Asparagus: Take powder of roots (4 gram) with warm milk and you get energy for the body.

Hibiscus: Crushed red flowers and put on the hair. It works like conditioner and prevents from graying.

Ashwagandha: Take roots powder with sugar twice a day and it gives strength and energy to the body.

Rough chaff tree pendant: Roast seeds in a clay pot and chew it. It relieves hunger and helps in weight loss.

Mimosa: Its roots act as tonic. Take 50 grams roots and prepared juice with water and drink it twice a day. It provides strength.

Marigold: Rub the leaves on herpes and itch. You will get relief.

17 Health Benefits of Khajoor (Dates)

It is advisable to eat dry fruits in winter. Hot things can be eaten in winter to avoid cold in winter and date is hot. Date and dry date is the result of the same tree. The effect of both is warm and they keep body healthy and play an important role in strengthening. Date has plentiful calcium. Today we tell you the advantages of eating date and dry date.

17 Health Benefits of Khajoor (Dates) 

1. It usefulness increases in winter as it has heating effect.

2. Date is more nutrition than dry date. Date is available in winter.

3. If the appetite is good then it is profitable to eat date.

4. You can eat dry date whole year as it is available in the market whole year.

5. Dry date provides strength to the stomach.

6. Dry date has heating effect and it gives relaxation in pulse pain.

7. Dry date considers in dried fruits which made body robust. Dry date is used along with dry fruits to get strength.

8. Dry date and date provides power to the heart. It increases the blood in the body.

9. This gives benefit to particularly sciatica people. Mucus from the lung of patients with asthma slips easily.

10. Date helps in removing paralysis and chest pain.

11. Remove the pulp of dry date and cook in milk to increase appetite. Grind it after cooking for a while. This milk is very nutritious. It increases appetite and food is digested.

12. Leucorrhoea disease is a serious disease in women. Grind the kernels of dry date in ghee and eat it with gopi chandan. Keep dry date in water. Mash by hand when they thaw. Use the water for a few days it will remove the physical irritation.

13. If you are thin and want to increase weight then dry date is very good for you. But if you are fat then you should eat it carefully.

14. If you are suffering from cold then add 5 pieces of date in milk. 5 piece of black pepper, 1 piece elaichi and boil it properly. Add one teaspoon ghee in it and drink it in night. Cold and cough remove absolutely.

15. Eat 2 dry dates morning-evening if you have asthma. It gets rid of from cough and cold.

16. If you have wound then depreciated the kernel of the dry date with stone and apply it on wound. The wound will heal quickly.

17. If you are bothered by the problem of premature ejaculation then dry date will help you to get rid of the problem. Chew 2 dry date in the morning with empty stomach. Eat 3 dry dates from the third week and 4 dry dates from the 4 to 12 weeks in the morning. This will solve the problem

Benefits of Eating Yogurt on a Regular Basis?

Benefits of Eating Yogurt on a Regular Basis?

calcium, eating yogurt regularly is good for your bones. Some research suggests yogurt may also benefit your digestive system, help immunity and offer protection from certain infections. Registered dietitian Beth Reardon recommends enjoying yogurt at least three times a week for optimum health benefits.

Osteoporosis Protection

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, calcium and vitamin D are essential for reducing the risk of osteoporosis, a bone-weakening disease that often strikes postmenopausal women, leading to fractures. One 8-ounce container of yogurt supplies 415 milligrams of calcium, which is 42 percent of the Daily Value, according to the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements. A glass of 2 percent milk has only 293 milligrams of calcium, making yogurt a better source than milk. Vitamin D is needed for your body to absorb calcium, and yogurt can also be a good source of this nutrient because some yogurt is fortified with vitamin D. Check the yogurt label to see if it contains vitamin D, recommends Reardon, who is also director of nutrition at Duke Integrative Medicine in Durham, North Carolina. Regularly eating yogurt with calcium and vitamin D may help reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Digestive Health

Yogurt is made by bacterial fermentation of milk, a process that may boost digestive health because it produces the same good bacteria found in the gut. Plus, some yogurt contains additional good bacteria known as probiotics. MayoClinic.com reports that probiotics may help with digestion and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as diarrhea following treatment with antibiotics, which kill off both good and bad bacteria. According to a report in the November 2011 issue of “Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care," most systematic reviews indicate that probiotics help irritable bowel symptoms, abdominal pain and gas, although the benefits may depend on the strain of probiotics.

Immune Support

According to NBCNews.com, the extra bacteria, or probiotics, added to yogurt have been shown to enhance immunity, perhaps by producing more infection-fighting white blood cells or antibodies in the gut. A number of human studies have found that Lactobacillus acidophilus, a strain of probiotics commonly added to yogurt, can benefit bacterial vaginosis, an infection of the vagina afflicting many women. However, MayoClinic.com notes that more studies are needed before definitive conclusions can be drawn. Still, it can’t hurt to eat yogurt regularly for its potential immune-boosting and infection-fighting properties, notes Reardon.


If you shy away from dairy products because you’re lactose intolerant, the Office of Dietary Supplements says you may be able to eat yogurt on a regular basis because yogurt is low in lactose. Some yogurt is high in calories and added sugar, increasing the risk of weight gain and tooth decay, so choose plain low-fat yogurt and add your own fresh berries, Reardon suggests. All yogurt contains some natural sugar, but Greek yogurt is lowest in sugar, highest in protein and has a super-creamy consistency. 
All in all, yogurt has a lot going for it, offering many reasons to eat this tasty dairy food on a regular basis.

Top 5 Health Tips for Women's.

Women's Health Tips for Heart, Mind, and Body

Looking for the path toward a healthier you? It's not hard to find. The journey begins with some simple tweaks to your lifestyle. The right diet, exercise, and stress-relief plan all play a big role.

Follow a Heart-Healthy Diet

There's an easy recipe if your goal is to keep away problems like heart disease and strokes. 
  • Eat more fruits and veggies. 
  • Choose whole grains. Try brown rice instead of white. Switch to whole wheat pasta. 
  • Choose lean proteins like poultry, fish, beans, and legumes. 
  • Cut down on processed foods, sugar, salt, and saturated fat. 
When eating healthy, flexibility often works best, says Joyce Meng, MD, assistant professor at the Pat and Jim Calhoun Cardiology Center at UConn Health. If you like to follow a strict diet plan, go for it. If not, it's OK. "Find what works for you.

Tricia Montgomery, 52, the founder of K9 Fit Club, knows first-hand how the right diet and lifestyle can help. For her, choosing healthy foods and planning small, frequent meals works well. "I don't deny myself anything," she says. "I still have dessert -- key lime pie, yum! -- and I love frozen gummy bears, but moderation is key."

Exercise Every Day


The more active you are, the better, Meng says. Exercise boosts your heart health, builds muscle and bone strength, and wards off health problems.

Aim for 2 and a half hours of moderate activity, like brisk walking or dancing, every week. If you're OK with vigorous exercise, stick to 1 hour and 15 minutes a week of things like running or playing tennis. Add a couple of days of strength training, too.

If you're busy, try short bursts of activity throughout the day. Walk often. A good target is 10,000 steps a day. Take the stairs. Park your car far away from your destination.

Montgomery exercises every day, often with her dog. By adding lunges, squats, and stairs to a walk, she turns it into a power workout. "I also am a huge Pilates fan," she says.

Lose Weight


When you shed pounds you'll lower your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.

Aim for a slow, steady drop. Try to lose 1-2 pounds a week by being active and eating better.

"It doesn't have to be an hour of intense exercise every day," Meng says. "Any little bit helps."

As you improve, dial up the time and how hard you work out. If you want to lose a lot of weight, try for 300 minutes of exercise a week.

"Eating a healthy diet will go a long way," Meng says. Start by cutting sugar, which she says is often hiding in plain sight -- in store-bought items like salad dressing, packaged bread, and nuts. Try to avoid soda and sugar-laced coffee drinks, too. 

Visit Your Doctor


Get regular checkups. Your doctor keeps track of your medical history and can help you stay healthy. For example, if you're at risk for osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones, he may want you to get more calcium and vitamin D.

Your doctor may recommend screening tests to keep an eye on your health and catch conditions early when they're easier to treat.

Keep the lines of communication open. "If you have questions, ask your doctor," Meng says. "Make sure you understand things to your satisfaction." If you're worried about a medication or procedure, talk to him about it.


Cut Down Your stress


It can take a toll on your health. You probably can't avoid it altogether, but you can find ways to ease the impact. Don't take on too much. Try to set limits with yourself and others. It's OK to say no.

To relieve stress, try:
  • Deep breathing 
  • Meditation 
  • Yoga 
  • Massage 
  • Exercise 
  • Healthy eating 
  • Talking to a friend, family member, or professional counselor 


Create Healthy Habits

If you make the right choices today, you can ward off problems tomorrow.
Brush your teeth twice a day and floss every day.
Don't smoke.
Limit your alcohol. Keep it to one drink a day.
If you have medication, take it exactly how your doctor prescribed it.
Improve your sleep. Aim for 8 hours. If you have trouble getting shut-eye, talk to your doctor.
Use sunscreen and stay out of the sun from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Wear your seatbelt.

Take time every day to invest in your health.

10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Beetroot Juice.

10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Beetroot Juice.

Rich in antioxidants, beetroot juice is low in calories and has many vitamins and minerals in it. It benefits cancer patients by enhancing the effect of cancer drugs and reducing tumor formations. Daily intake of beetroot juice benefits skin, strengthens the heart, supports weight loss, maintains healthy blood pressure, fights cholesterol and keeps diabetes at bay. It’s excellent to consume during pregnancy. What more? It even enhances sports performance and your performance in bed!

The garnet red beetroot juice has been a long-time favorite with those who swear by juicing. And with good reason, too. There are so many health benefits to drinking beetroot juice, thanks to its incredible nutritional profile. One cup of beetroots supplies you with just 59 calories and as much as 12 percent of the recommended value of potassium, 11 percent vitamin C, 7 percent magnesium, 6 percent iron and 5 percent vitamin B6. It also contains some folate, phosphorus, carbs, sugar, calcium, zinc, vitamin A and K as well as protein.

In addition to this impressive nutritional profile, red beet juice benefits include a high amount of antioxidants. According to a study, a beetroot juice shot is a significant and convenient source of bioaccessible antioxidants; a 70ml shot of concentrated beetroot juice benefits us by delivering antioxidants that can be easily absorbed by the body as compared to other vegetable juices.

From aiding cancer treatments to lowering blood pressure and enhancing exercise endurance, there’s a lot this juice has to offer.

1. Aids Cancer Treatments

Beetroot juice benefits cancer patients by acting synergistically with the anticancer drug doxorubicin. When tested on animals, red beetroot extract, which is approved by the Food and Drug Administration and the European Union as a red food color, reduced multi-organ tumor formations. Beetroot has also been tested on prostate, breast and pancreatic cancer cells of human origins and shown positive results when used in a 1:5 ratio with doxorubicin. While we wait for more studies on the subject to cement the findings, it’s a good idea to guzzle the antioxidant-rich drink regularly.

2. Helps Manage High Blood Pressure

Benefits of beetroot juice for blood pressure are well documented. Beetroot is one of the nitrate-rich veggies which can lower blood pressure. According to a study, doses of beetroot juice and red beetroot- and white beetroot-enriched bread were tested on the blood pressures of human male subjects. Beetroot juice and red beetroot-enriched bread significantly lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure counts over a period of 24 hours in a dose-dependent manner.

3. Enhances Sports Performance

If you come to know the beet juice benefits for athletes, you’d probably never stop drinking it. Beetroot juice enhances sports performance and is a must for walkers, joggers, runners, cyclists, gymholics and those engaged in other sports. According to a study, dietary nitrates, administered in the form of beetroot juice (500 ml a day for 6 days), decreased resting systolic blood pressure and oxygen consumption during walking and running. The effects occurred within 2.5 hours of consuming the juice and promoted an increase in exercise tolerance. This means that beet juice has endurance benefits as increased dietary nitrate intake can increase stamina and enhance exercise tolerance during long-term endurance exercise.

Another study recorded how beetroot juice benefits cycling. Six days of consuming 140 ml concentrated beet juice supplements reduced pulmonary oxygen uptake during submaximal exercise and improved time-trial performance in trained cyclists.

4. Supports Weight Loss

This wonder potion may just help you shed the extra kilos. Yes, beetroot juice benefits like its anti-inflammatory action and antioxidant capacity could be a supporting aid in your weight loss efforts.

Beetroot juice benefits for weight loss have been studied and it has been concluded that betalain pigments present in both solid and liquid versions of beetroot juice fight oxidative stress and inflammation that are involved in the development of obesity.

5. Strengthens The Heart

Beetroot juice can also help strengthen your ticker. According to a study, the nitrates in beetroot juice are successful at enhancing heart muscle power in patients who have suffered from systolic heart failure. In such a situation, the heart can’t pump with enough force to push enough blood into circulation.8

6. Gets You Stellar Skin

There are many benefits of beetroot juice for skin. Whether ingested orally or applied topically, beetroot juice can work on your skin in either way. It’s a powerhouse of antioxidants which can scavenge free radicals and keep your skin young, glowing and problem free.

7. May Enhance Men’s Sexual Performance

Ahem, there are some exclusive benefits of beet juice for men. It is said that it can enhance the libido and help with erections. It is used in Indian traditional system of medicine, specifically to enhance the activity of sex hormones and as an aphrodisiac. Ancient Romans also acknowledged the use of beetroots as an aphrodisiac.

8. Keeps Diabetes At Bay

One of the benefits of beet juice includes better glucose control. According to a study, the betalains, polyphenols and dietary nitrates found in beetroot juice may each contribute to lowering of postprandial insulin concentration in healthy, non-diabetic individuals.

9. Is Great During Pregnancy

Fresh beetroot juice benefits expectant moms and the fetus as it is loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and folate. It can also be taken as a salad during pregnancy because it is helpful in the growth of the fetus.

10. Fights Cholesterol

Those with cholesterol issues may want to enjoy the benefits of drinking beetroot juice daily. Researchers found that when rats with cholesterol consumed the juice consecutively for 70 days, they showed a significant decrease in total cholesterol and triglycerides and a significant increase in high-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol (the good kind). So say cheers to good health with beetroot juice!

Best Combination With Beet Juice

Beetroot juice is often combined with some other ingredients to make it taste better and give it a nutritional boost. While ginger and lemon give it flavor and depth, apple gives it sweetness and carrot blends well with it to create an enviable health drink. Health benefits of beetroot and carrot juice combine the wide variety of vitamins and minerals along with beta-carotene in carrots16 and with the vitamins, antioxidants, magnesium and copper in beetroots. Beet leaves juice benefits can also be enjoyed by juicing enthusiasts – just throw in a couple of them in the juicer to add protein, fiber, phosphorus and vitamin K to your health concoction.

Hair Fall - 9 Quick Tips That Can Help You Handle It!

Hair-fall is a normal process, if we consider the hair-growth cycle that lasts for two to six weeks. The usual rate of growth is about one centimeter a month. After two to three months, hair which were in their ‘resting phase’ shed to allow new hair to grow back. Deviation from this normal cycle leads to abnormal hair-fall which can then become a matter of concern.

Tips to handle abnormal hair loss

  1. Testing hair thinning: Take 20 to 30 hair strands and hold them between your thumb and index finger. Pull firmly and slowly. If more than six hair strands happen to come out at a time, then you might be suffering from abnormal hair loss.
  2. Limited use of hair dryers: Consistent heating weakens the hair proteins and leads to brittleness and fragility of hair follicles. Hence, limit the uses of hair dryers, curlers, hair straightness or hot brushes.
  3. Avoid Perms: Avoid chemical straightening or curling which breaks the inner bonding of your hair and makes the hair brittle.
  4. Avoid bleaching: Bleaching removes the natural pigment and weakens the hair follicles.
  5. Avoid pulling the hair strands tightly: Certain hairstyling involves tightly pulling the hair and using clips or elastics, tight braids, plaits, cornrows, tight ponytail. Avoid using heated rollers. ‘Traction alopecia’ is the term coined for tightly pulling of your hair.
  6. Use a mild shampoo: Regularly washing your hair cleanses your hair as well as your scalp which prevents any chance of infection and the subsequent hair loss. Instead of shampooing daily, do it on alternate days. Mild shampoo includes sultaines, sulfosuccinates, silicones, and amphoacetate.
  7. Right Choice of Shampoo: Use different shampoos for different purposes; dandruff, greasy or normal hair and for dry hair. If the shampoo is rich in protein, it may boost the volume and make it thicker and smoother for a temporary period, but does not repair the damaged hair
  8. Use a good hairbrush: Use a soft brush, made of natural fibers. Instead of a brush, use a comb for wet hair.
  9. Scalp Massage: Massage your hair with nourishing oils such as rosemary, coconut, almond or lavender oil. It warms your skin and boosts blood circulation and provides nutrients to the follicles.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

5 Tomato Face Packs That Are Bound To Make Your Skin Soft And Supple!


  • Tomatoes are bright red and tangy and full of goodness and health
  • Tomatoes are known to have astringent and soothing properties
  • It replenishes the skin with natural acidic properties
Bright red, tangy and full of goodness, tomatoes have so much to offer not just for your overall health but also for a glowing skin. Apart from being used in the culinary world to add that add extra zest and colour, antioxidants and other essential nutrients present in tomatoes can make your skin spot and blemish free too. Tomatoes are known to have astringent and soothing properties along with a healthy boost of vitamin C that helps reduce acne and dark spots. It replenishes the skin with natural acidic properties and flushes out excess oil. While you may have used tomatoes in the form of commercially bought face-washes or cleansers and toners, we bring some amazing natural tomato based face-packs that will definitely give your facial skin a complete makeover.

1. Tomato and cucumber face pack

All you need to do is take one tomato and two tablespoons of cucumber paste along with a tablespoon of honey. Squeeze all the juice from the tomato and mix it well with the cucumber and honey. Spread the mixture on your face and let it sit for 15-20 minutes and rinse off using lukewarm water. Cucumber has hydrating and soothing properties and will help remove excess oil from the face and retain natural oils. This one's perfect for people with oily skin.

Cucumber has hydrating and soothing properties​.

2. Tomato and olive oil face pack

Olive oil is known to be a great moisturizer and mixing it with tomato paste makes it even better. Take a medium sized tomato and squeeze all the juice from it and add one tablespoon of olive oil and mix well. Apply this mixture on your face and leave it for about 15-20 minutes or as it dries. Do not rinse it with cold water, instead take lukewarm water and massage the face in circular motions. This will leave your skin soft and moisturized. This face pack is the best for people with excessively dry skin.

Olive oil is known to be a great moisturizer and mixing it with tomato paste makes it even better.​

3. Tomato pulp face pack

Tomato pulp is best used for removing suntan and can be used to treat open pores as well. Whenever you are pressed for time, just mash boiled potatoes into a pulp and rub it in circular motion on your face and leave it till it dries off. In fact, you can also add one tablespoon of milk and apply it on your face and leave it for not more than 10 minutes before washing it off with cold water. Do this regularly to remove suntan.

Tomato pulp is best used for removing suntan and can be used to treat open pores as well​

4. Tomato with yogurt and lemon face pack

Beat the pollution with the goodness of tomatoes, yogurt and lemon. Take a tomato and squeeze all the juice out of it, add two teaspoons of lemon juice and fresh plain yogurt. Mix all these ingredients together and apply it on your face and rinse it with lukewarm water after leaving it on for 15-20 minutes. All of these ingredients act as bleaching agents and will ensure a glowing skin.

Beat the pollution with the goodness of tomatoes, yogurt and lemon​

5. Tomato and oatmeal face pack

Talk about exfoliation and oatmeal comes to mind. Powder two tablespoons of oatmeal in coarse form and mix it with two tablespoons of tomato pulp; you can add cucumber pulp too to this mix. Apply this on your face and leave for 15 minutes and then rub it in circular motions before washing it off with lukewarm water. Hello, soft and supple skin!

Talk about exfoliation and oatmeal comes to mind

These simple tomato face packs can be used regularly to get your skin glowing. So go ahead and make the most of these juicy red delights!