10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Beetroot Juice.

January 30, 2018 Mahesh N. 0 Comments

10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Beetroot Juice.

Rich in antioxidants, beetroot juice is low in calories and has many vitamins and minerals in it. It benefits cancer patients by enhancing the effect of cancer drugs and reducing tumor formations. Daily intake of beetroot juice benefits skin, strengthens the heart, supports weight loss, maintains healthy blood pressure, fights cholesterol and keeps diabetes at bay. It’s excellent to consume during pregnancy. What more? It even enhances sports performance and your performance in bed!

The garnet red beetroot juice has been a long-time favorite with those who swear by juicing. And with good reason, too. There are so many health benefits to drinking beetroot juice, thanks to its incredible nutritional profile. One cup of beetroots supplies you with just 59 calories and as much as 12 percent of the recommended value of potassium, 11 percent vitamin C, 7 percent magnesium, 6 percent iron and 5 percent vitamin B6. It also contains some folate, phosphorus, carbs, sugar, calcium, zinc, vitamin A and K as well as protein.

In addition to this impressive nutritional profile, red beet juice benefits include a high amount of antioxidants. According to a study, a beetroot juice shot is a significant and convenient source of bioaccessible antioxidants; a 70ml shot of concentrated beetroot juice benefits us by delivering antioxidants that can be easily absorbed by the body as compared to other vegetable juices.

From aiding cancer treatments to lowering blood pressure and enhancing exercise endurance, there’s a lot this juice has to offer.

1. Aids Cancer Treatments

Beetroot juice benefits cancer patients by acting synergistically with the anticancer drug doxorubicin. When tested on animals, red beetroot extract, which is approved by the Food and Drug Administration and the European Union as a red food color, reduced multi-organ tumor formations. Beetroot has also been tested on prostate, breast and pancreatic cancer cells of human origins and shown positive results when used in a 1:5 ratio with doxorubicin. While we wait for more studies on the subject to cement the findings, it’s a good idea to guzzle the antioxidant-rich drink regularly.

2. Helps Manage High Blood Pressure

Benefits of beetroot juice for blood pressure are well documented. Beetroot is one of the nitrate-rich veggies which can lower blood pressure. According to a study, doses of beetroot juice and red beetroot- and white beetroot-enriched bread were tested on the blood pressures of human male subjects. Beetroot juice and red beetroot-enriched bread significantly lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure counts over a period of 24 hours in a dose-dependent manner.

3. Enhances Sports Performance

If you come to know the beet juice benefits for athletes, you’d probably never stop drinking it. Beetroot juice enhances sports performance and is a must for walkers, joggers, runners, cyclists, gymholics and those engaged in other sports. According to a study, dietary nitrates, administered in the form of beetroot juice (500 ml a day for 6 days), decreased resting systolic blood pressure and oxygen consumption during walking and running. The effects occurred within 2.5 hours of consuming the juice and promoted an increase in exercise tolerance. This means that beet juice has endurance benefits as increased dietary nitrate intake can increase stamina and enhance exercise tolerance during long-term endurance exercise.

Another study recorded how beetroot juice benefits cycling. Six days of consuming 140 ml concentrated beet juice supplements reduced pulmonary oxygen uptake during submaximal exercise and improved time-trial performance in trained cyclists.

4. Supports Weight Loss

This wonder potion may just help you shed the extra kilos. Yes, beetroot juice benefits like its anti-inflammatory action and antioxidant capacity could be a supporting aid in your weight loss efforts.

Beetroot juice benefits for weight loss have been studied and it has been concluded that betalain pigments present in both solid and liquid versions of beetroot juice fight oxidative stress and inflammation that are involved in the development of obesity.

5. Strengthens The Heart

Beetroot juice can also help strengthen your ticker. According to a study, the nitrates in beetroot juice are successful at enhancing heart muscle power in patients who have suffered from systolic heart failure. In such a situation, the heart can’t pump with enough force to push enough blood into circulation.8

6. Gets You Stellar Skin

There are many benefits of beetroot juice for skin. Whether ingested orally or applied topically, beetroot juice can work on your skin in either way. It’s a powerhouse of antioxidants which can scavenge free radicals and keep your skin young, glowing and problem free.

7. May Enhance Men’s Sexual Performance

Ahem, there are some exclusive benefits of beet juice for men. It is said that it can enhance the libido and help with erections. It is used in Indian traditional system of medicine, specifically to enhance the activity of sex hormones and as an aphrodisiac. Ancient Romans also acknowledged the use of beetroots as an aphrodisiac.

8. Keeps Diabetes At Bay

One of the benefits of beet juice includes better glucose control. According to a study, the betalains, polyphenols and dietary nitrates found in beetroot juice may each contribute to lowering of postprandial insulin concentration in healthy, non-diabetic individuals.

9. Is Great During Pregnancy

Fresh beetroot juice benefits expectant moms and the fetus as it is loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and folate. It can also be taken as a salad during pregnancy because it is helpful in the growth of the fetus.

10. Fights Cholesterol

Those with cholesterol issues may want to enjoy the benefits of drinking beetroot juice daily. Researchers found that when rats with cholesterol consumed the juice consecutively for 70 days, they showed a significant decrease in total cholesterol and triglycerides and a significant increase in high-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol (the good kind). So say cheers to good health with beetroot juice!

Best Combination With Beet Juice

Beetroot juice is often combined with some other ingredients to make it taste better and give it a nutritional boost. While ginger and lemon give it flavor and depth, apple gives it sweetness and carrot blends well with it to create an enviable health drink. Health benefits of beetroot and carrot juice combine the wide variety of vitamins and minerals along with beta-carotene in carrots16 and with the vitamins, antioxidants, magnesium and copper in beetroots. Beet leaves juice benefits can also be enjoyed by juicing enthusiasts – just throw in a couple of them in the juicer to add protein, fiber, phosphorus and vitamin K to your health concoction.